Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 1

As much as it pained me, I rolled out of bed at 5 AM this morning...pulled on my socks, laced up my shoes, and headed to the gym. Sleeping in my workout clothes and sports bra certainly helped. The effort I exerted getting from my bed to the gym was truly minimal.

So, I get to the gym and I wait. And I wait. And I wait 20 minutes for the lazy gym rat, who obviously hit snooze SEVERAL times, to get there and unlock the door. Stupid man. It took every ounce of will power and strength not to turn around and go home. Back to my warm bed and thick smartwool stockings.

Once inside I made a beeline for the treadmil. The quicker I got on, the quicker I could get off. I found my Couch to 5K app, dusted it off, and hit GO. And, surprisingly, I didn't die during the workout. It actually felt good. It felt damn good.

Day 1...check

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I Quit 'Trying'

I received the following from an e-newsletter I subscribe to -

A communications expert says "the most dangerous word to use in the workplace today is short, sweet and fraught with peril." The word "try." Brad Hoover, chief executive of the automated proofreading service Grammarly, recently shared with Fortune his reasons why managers and their employees should avoid using this word in the workplace. "'Try' simply shows a lack of belief, passion, commitment and confidence—all the qualities you need to succeed in today's tight job market," he says. There are a "whopping 66 different synonyms for try, yet none of them are as convincing as words like do, believe, act, tackle, accomplish or succeed... I cringe when I hear, ‘I'll give it a try,' because the phrase suggests failure. ‘I'll do it' inspires confidence every time."

So, with this seems it's time for me to quit trying to lose weight. To quit trying to eat healthy and steward my body well. To quit trying to get back into running. And, well...just do it.

I'm back on the wagon. Who will join me? Anyone out there?